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What Do Military School Dorms Look Like?

by Doug Driscoll '11 

Have you ever seen a military school in a movie before? Maybe one like Major Payne or Cadet Kelly? If you have then you may remember what the living arrangements look like: an open bay barracks. For those who don’t know what that is, an open bay barracks is a large room lined with bunk beds for the entirety of its length, usually with lockers or a footlocker for each bed.

Although these movies are good for bringing attention to military boarding schools, they create a misrepresentation of what it is like to live at a military boarding school. None of the schools that I know of even have an open bay barracks. To be frank, the dorms at R-MA were better than my experiences with a college dorm in certain aspects. The rooms at R-MA and other military boarding schools are designed to allow cadets to live comfortably and provide the environment they need to perform in school.

This photo shows an actual military school dorm room.

The photo at the right is one of our boys' dorms, which have been undergoing a "facelift." The desks were re-finished, walls painted, flooring put in, and other aspects of the room were updated. This has been an ongoing project for the last two years as we updated only a couple of rooms at a time, as alumni giftrs and other funding permitted. 

To find out more about our dorms visit this page. 
